Process & Timeline

/Process & Timeline
Process & Timeline 2017-04-19T07:51:59+00:00

NID is currently preparing an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Centennial Reservoir Project that will identify all potential project impacts and propose clear mitigation measures. During the EIR process, the public will have several opportunities to participate and provide valuable comments on the Project and the EIR. Public scoping meetings were held in March 2016 at the kick-off of the EIR process with the Notice of Preparation. During the extended 60-day Notice of Preparation public review period, the public was asked to provide comments on the scope of the EIR. The Draft EIR is anticipated to be available for public review in Fall 2017, at which time there will be additional Public Meetings held during the Draft EIR public review period. Similar to the Notice of Preparation public review period, during the Draft EIR period, the public will be asked to review the Draft EIR, attend the meetings and provide valuable comments. Stay tuned for an update on the EIR schedule and opportunities to participate.
