The Proposed Project must comply with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). CEQA requires that the environmental impacts of a Proposed Project be disclosed to the public for consideration if the project to be undertaken is carried out by a public or quasi-public agency. The CEQA lead agency for the Project is the Nevada Irrigation District. NID is anticipating preparing an Environmental Impact Report for the Proposed Project that will identify all potential impacts and propose clear mitigation measures. The EIR is anticipated to be complete in 2017. During this time, the public will have several opportunities to participate and provide valuable comments on the project and the EIR. Public scoping meetings took place in March 2016 to kick-off of the CEQA process. Once the Draft EIR is out for public review there will be additional Public Meetings held during the draft document circulation period. A Notice of Preparation of an EIR was released by NID in February 2016 and the Draft EIR is expected out for review in the Fall of 2016. Stay tuned for an update on the EIR schedule and opportunities to participate.
Compliance with other Regulations
The Proposed Project will require additional approval and/or permits prior to construction. Listed below are the anticipated additional approvals and permits for the Proposed Project.
- National Environmental Policy Act compliance
- Clean Water Act Section 404 compliance through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Federal Endangered Species Act compliance through the National Marine Fisheries Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- National Historic Preservation Act compliance through the State Historic Preservation Officer
- State Endangered Species Act compliance through the California Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Streambed Alteration Agreement (CDFG code1602) from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Consultation for effects on Native American burials or artifacts through the California Native American Heritage Commission
- Clean Water Act Section 402, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Permit for Stormwater Discharge Associated with Construction Activities from the Regional Water Quality Control Board
- Clean Water Act Section 401, Water Quality Certification from the Regional Water Quality Control Board
- Authority to Construct Permits from the Northern Sierra Air Quality Management District and Placer County Air Pollution Control District